Thursday, March 14, 2013

Thursday Thirteen - MAID FOR SPANKING!

Thirteen Sexy Exceprts from MAID FOR SPANKING!


What the hell had she been thinking? Colleen Palmer seriously doubted her sanity as she pulled the minivan to a stop outside the big, two-story home in the luxurious Los Altos Hills. She didn’t even like to clean her own apartment and now she’d taken a job as a maid so she could clean up after someone else? Maybe quitting her computer programming job hadn’t been such a good idea.


It had actually been Kristy who’d talked her into taking the job. Kristy had been cleaning houses for over a year now and loved it. Apparently, she thought it’d be a good fit for Colleen, too.

“You’re joking, right?” Colleen said when her friend had first suggested it. “I don’t know the first thing about cleaning houses.”

“It’s easy. You just do what you do to your place.”

Colleen let out a snort. “I’m lucky I remember to take out the trash.”

Kristy laughed. “You’ll have to do a little bit more than that. But it’s easy. It’s all in the handbook.”

Handbook? There was actually a handbook?


When Mr. Hughes didn’t answer, Colleen took out the key to unlock the door when it swung open. Startled, she stood there for a moment, speechless. She’d assumed Steven Hughes would be an older man, simply because the house was so freaking expensive, but the man who stood in the doorway looked as if he wasn’t much older than she was. Tall, with dark hair, well-chiseled features and a body that obviously spent a lot of time in a gym, he was easily the most gorgeous man she’d ever seen. Even the wire-rimmed glasses he wore, which by rights should have detracted from his good looks, made him even more handsome.


Colleen ran the vacuum over the section of the rug on either side of the couch, then in front of the low-slung coffee table. She was thinking how incredibly easy it was to clean a carpet that had obviously never even seen dirt much less made friends with it when the vacuum suddenly stopped. Frowning, she flipped the switch off then on, but the vacuum still wouldn’t work. She turned to see if she’d jerked the plug out of the wall and was jumped when she saw Steven Hughes standing there with it in his hand.

He scowled. “What the hell are you doing?”

What the hell did it look like she was doing? “Vacuuming.”


Colleen gritted her teeth. He sounded like he was talking to a child who should know better. “You told me you wanted the rug vacuumed, so that’s what I’m doing.”

His brows drew together. “I also said I wanted you to keep the noise down.”

How the heck did he expect her to vacuum quietly? She would have asked, but getting into a fight with a client her first day on the job probably wouldn’t be a good idea.

“Fine. I won’t vacuum. But don’t complain that the rug isn’t clean.”

Giving the cord a jerk, she yanked it out of his hand and angrily wrapped it around the hooks on the vacuum. Across the room, Steven Hughes muttered something under his breath she couldn’t catch.

She whirled around to face him, pinning his with a glare. “I don’t know who the hell you think you are, but you’d better start treating me with a little more respect, or you’ll be cleaning your own damn house.”

Colleen turned back to finish wrapping the cord, only to gasp when a hand caught her arm and spun her around. She knew Hughes was tall, but she didn’t realize how tall until now. He towered over her.

“You’re the one who needs to learn some respect,” he said. “I pay a lot for your cleaning service and I want it done right.”

She lifted her chin. “I was doing it right until you came out here and got in my way. I was even going to make sure the tassels on your overpriced rug were all straight and pretty just like you ordered—which is beyond stupid, by the way. I’m a maid, not your slave, Mr, Hughes, so you can just go to hell.”

Okay, so much for not getting into a fight with a client. She could kiss this job goodbye.

Abruptly realizing he was still holding onto her arm, Colleen tried to yank it free, but he tightened his grip. The next thing she knew, she was bent over the back of the sectional couch. What the hell?

She tried to push herself upright, but a strong hand on her back firmly pushed her down.

Colleen craned her neck to glare at him over her shoulder. “What the hell do you think you’re doing? Let me go.”

He glowered down at her with those incredible blue eyes of his. “Not until we get something straight. You might not be my slave, but I pay to have you come here and clean, not interrupt me while I’m working.”

She could officially add arrogant to his list of flaws. And why the hell did he had to bend her over the couch to lecture her? She opened her mouth to ask when she felt his hand come down hard on her jean-clad ass.

Colleen’s eyes went wide. She had to be imagining things, because there was no way he had just done that. But when his hand came down again, this time on her other cheek, she realized she hadn’t been imagining it at all. Steven Hughes was spanking her.
For the record, he didn’t usually make a habit out of spanking women.
Mia, a tall, athletic redhead walked over to the counter and poured herself a cup of coffee. “What did you think of Steven Hughes?”
Colleen shrugged choosing her words carefully. “He’s nice enough, I suppose.” 
“You suppose?” Kristy looked at her as if she’d lost her mind. “Colleen, the guy is absolutely gorgeous. Not to mention filthy rich. And the last time I checked, he was extremely single.”
That he was single certainly didn’t come as a surprise. The guy was sort of lacking in social skills. “I don’t wonder why. The guy has some serious control issues.”
Lauren, a dark-haired woman with big, brown eyes, laughed. “What gave it away? Was it the fact that he wanted you to straighten the tassels on the rug after you vacuumed? Or that he wanted the wine glasses he never uses cleaned every day?”
“No, no, no.” Mia sat down in the only other empty chair at the table. “I bet it was his thing about the streaks on his sixty-inch plasma television screen. Am I right?”
Colleen made a face. “All of the above. You left out the most important rule, though. Never, ever to go into his inner sanctum. All the other stuff just makes him seem like a freak, but that rule about the room being off limits is beyond weird. What’s up with that, anyway?”
“Mia thinks he makes porn movies in there,” Lauren said.
Mia snorted. “It’s better than your theory.” She looked at Colleen. “Lauren thinks he’s some kind of spy like James Bond, and that’s where he communicates with his super-secret headquarters. Oh, and that there’s a secret passage in the room that leads to his own private Batcave.”
Kristy grinned. “You’ve gotta admit, he does have the whole Clark-Kent thing going on. I could totally see him as the superhero-type for sure.”
Colleen laughed. She serious doubted Steven Hughes made porno movies or had a secret identity. It would take him fifteen minutes just to make sure the Batarang on his utility belt was straight.

Colleen tried to brush past him, but Hughes caught her arm. His blue eyes glinted. “Not so fast. I warned you not to come in here, and you deliberately did it anyway. You don’t think you can just walk out of here after doing something like that, do you?”

Her pulse began to pound. If he gave her a few smacks on the ass for making too much noise while he worked, there was no telling how hard he’d spank her for sneaking into his secret room.

“You’re insane if you think I’m going to let you spank me again,” she told him.

For one long moment, Hughes stood towering over her while she glared up at him defiantly. Then his mouth quirked.

“Actually,” he drawled. “I was just going to toss you out and call the cleaning company to have you replaced. But, now that you mention it, I think a spanking would be more effective.”


He walked back into his computer room and stare at the monitors. As much as he hated to admit it, he sucked at writing code. Well, not coming up with it, but the minutiae that came with it. He could come up with cool creatures, create kickass action sequences, even develop creative storylines to support the games, but when it came to typing, his head moved faster than his fingers. Always had. Which was he was also crappy at proofreading. Clearly, Colleen didn’t have that problem.

What the hell was he saying? If she was any good at programming, she wouldn’t be working as a maid.

Unless she was spying for that son of a bitch Ed Fulton. Hiring someone to steal his new video game was exactly something his former business partner would do. And what better thief than a sexy blonde with legs that seemed to go on for miles? Yeah, Steve had noticed. She’d been kicking her legs so much while he spanked her, how could he not?

Groaning, he took off his glasses and tossed them on the desk so he could pinch the bridge of his nose between his thumb and forefinger. Spanking Colleen once had been beyond stupid, but doing it again had been a real bonehead move. He honestly hadn’t intended to do it. He was simply going to call the cleaning company and report her. But after she’d suggested it, he couldn’t get her over his knee fast enough.


She opened the door without looking through the peephole, then immediately wished she hadn’t. Steven Hughes stood on her doorstep, all six-foot-four rock-solid inches of him.

“What the hell do you want?” she demanded. 

He gave her a sheepish look. “Can I come in?”

“No.” She glared at him. “How did you find out where I live? What did you do, hack into the cleaning company’s computer?”

“Kristy gave me your address.”

Colleen gritted her teeth. She was going to kill her friend.

“Can I come in?” he asked again, then added, “I just want to talk.”

When she didn’t invite him in, he let out a sigh. “You have every right to be pissed at me. I should never have spanked you like I did. I was a complete jerk, and I’m sorry.”
“Yes, you were,” she agreed.  “And now that we both agree on that, you can leave.”


Working with Hughes—Steve—was actually more fun than Colleen had thought it would be. It was a little awkward the first couple of days, but the more time she spent with him, the more she realized he wasn’t such a bad guy. A little paranoid about security and obsessive about cleaning, but not the jerk she’d originally believed him to be.

And since she’d started working with, he hadn’t spanked her once. Not even when she’d forgotten his no-food-allowed rule and brought the nonfat latte and yogurt she’d gotten at Starbuck’s into the computer room.

“But I used to eat at my desk all the time at my old programming job,” she protested when he made her go sit at the kitchen table.

He folded his arms and leaned back against the island. “And I’ll bet you got crumbs all over the keyboard.”

“Maybe.” Colleen formed her lips into a pout as she dipped her spoon into her yogurt. “You’re no fun at all, do you know that?”

His mouth quirked. “You’d be surprised.”
Something in his voice made her pulse skip a beat, and she paused, her spoon halfway to her mouth. She thought Steve was gorgeous the first time she’d seen him. Working side by side with him every day had only intensified her attraction to him. Which made sense, she supposed. If she had a type, he’d be it.


Dammit, why the heck had she had made him promise not spank her?

Colleen’s fingers froze on the keyboard. What was she saying? She couldn’t honestly want Steve to spank her again. Fantasizing about it was one thing, but willingly letting him do it was something else entirely. And yet, as she gazed over at his strong hands, she realized that was exactly what she wanted. The thought almost made her hyperventilate.

But how could she get him to spank her when she’d made him promise he wouldn’t do it again? It wasn’t as if she could come out and ask him for a spanking. She could just imagine the conversation now.

Steve, could you do me a favor?

Name it.

You know how I told you that I didn’t want you to spank me again. Well, I’ve changed my mind. I think I actually would like you to put me over your knee again.

You’re saying that you want me to spank you again?

Yes, Steve, that’s exactly what I’m saying. And I’d really appreciate it if you’d do it right and pull my panties down this time.
Just thinking about it made Colleen go red with embarrassment.
She paused, her fingers hovering over the keyboard on her lap. Hot damn. She’d just figured out a way to get that spanking she’d been looking for. Eyes locked on the monitor, she typed as fast as her fingers could move.
“What are you doing?” Steve asked.
Colleen turned her head to see him frowning at the monitor. She hadn’t realized he was watching her. That made the whole thing easier. She thought she’d have to challenge him to a game to get him to notice.
“Adding some stuff to make the game more interesting,” she said.
She typed another erroneous set of instructions, then ran the program to see how the changes looked. She grinned as the hero pulled a bouquet of flowers from holster in place of a gun. Opposite him, the sorcerer extended his hand to produce a glowing round orb, but when the robed figure threw it at the hero, it wasn’t a fireball, but a water balloon. Colleen laughed as it splatted harmlessly against his opponent.
Steve, however, wasn’t as amused. “Cute. Now, change it back.”
Colleen tilted her head to the side as she watched the sequence play out on the screen in front of her. “I don’t know. I kind of like it this way.”
“Put it back, Colleen.”
She gave him a teasing look. “What are you going to do if I don’t? Spank me?”
The words hung in the air between them. Colleen held her breath she waited for Steve to say something.
He studied her as if trying to decide if he’d heard her right. After a moment, his mouth quirked. “If you don’t do as you’re told, you’ll find out."
She stepped closer to him until she was standing between his legs, then reached out and slowly took off his glasses. Holding them in one hand, she cupped his jaw with the other and bent her head to kiss him.
Steve pulled her close with a groan, his hands going beneath her skirt to cup her stinging ass cheeks. Colleen gasped against his mouth and pressed herself more tightly to him. His erection strained against his jeans, hot and hard with promise. Her knees suddenly went weak, and she was glad he chose that moment to gather her into his arms and onto his lap. She whimpered at the feel of the rough material of his jeans as it brushed her tender bottom. Chuckling, he slipped one arm beneath her legs and picked her up, then got to his feet. She didn’t have to ask where they were going as he carried her out of the room and up the stairs.


Anonymous said...

Sounds great, Paige! I wish you a ton of sales!

Jennifer Leeland said...

I love where she changes the code. Awesome Paige.

Paige Tyler said...

Stephanie - Thanks1

Jennifer - LOL! Thanks!


Heather said...

Thanks for the excerpts, Paige. Happy Pi(e) Day

Paige Tyler said...

Heather - You're welcome!
